- Weighing beam is integrated into an idler set
- Simultaneous belt speed readings with weight
- Rugged design, quick and easy installation with limited maintenance required
The EMSYS TRUWEIGH Belt Scale is a compact and robust system engineered to determine flow rate, calculate the total amount of material as well as provide load profiles for the conveyor. EMSYS TRUWEIGH Belt Scale is designed to withstand harsh weather and outdoor conditions. The simple but rugged design, quick and easy installation, and requiring limited maintenance makes the SB-BW the ideal option for weighing material.
- Quick, easy installation
- Limited maintenance required
- Rugged and reliable belt scale
The EMSYS SB-BW belt scale consists of the weighing beam integrated in the conveyor construction. The conveyed material applies a force proportional to its weight through the belt and the roller bracket on to the load cells. On the basis of the design of the belt-scale, only the vertical component of the weight force affects the load cells. The resulting deflection of the strain gauges in the load cells are transformed into an electrical signal proportional to the weight. Simultaneously the belt speed is acquired by the tow carriage in the lower run of the conveyor. Alternatively the belt speed can be measured by two redundant revolution sensor idlers. The product of the weight and belt speed results in the current flow rate.
- Belt width: Standard 1000 mm - 2500 mm<br>
- Belt speed: 0.5 m/s - 5 m/s<br>
- Inclination: ≤ 20° from the horizontal at fixed incline (no relative material movement), ≥ 20° by reduced accuracy<br>
- Profile of roller bracket: 40° < 45° by reduced accuracy<br>
- Spacing from neighbored roller bracket: 0.6 m - 1.5 m<br>
- IP-Code: IP 65<br>
- Accuracy*: ± 0.5 % of actual flow rate, ± 1 % of nominal flow rate<br>
- Design: Standard and ATEX [Ex I M2 EEx ib I ]<br>
note: Specified accuracies refer either to nominal (maximum) flow rate or to the corresponding actual flow rate in the range of 25 % to - 100 %